The McGill Method is a specialized approach to treating low back pain that emphasizes three essential components: assessment, accurate diagnosis, and individualised rehabilitation. Prof. Stuart McGill, a professor emeritus at the University of Waterloo, is a leading authority in the field of spine biomechanics and has dedicated his career to understanding and treating back pain.
Dry Needling is a safe and effective treatment method for many different soft tissue pathologies. Our practitioners have been specially trained to use this treatment method.
Clinical Pilates is designed to combine mobility and strength exercises to improve overall strength or to rehabilitate any injury from daily aches and pain to severe chronic pain.
Rehabilitation post surgery is an important part of the recovery process and assists with returning to pre-surgical function. However, you shouldn’t wait until after surgery – latest research has shown that starting the rehab process before surgery (‘Prehab’) has more favourable outcomes and can shorten the recovery process!