Insomnia and Cardiovascular Disease
Welcome to Worth-a-Word Wednesdays, where I review and summarise a study or article that I think provides some useful and interesting information. This week – Parkinsons disease and the Gut. Article Title: Genetic Liability to Insomnia and Cardiovascular Disease Risk This article was published by Larsson, S. C., & Markus, H. S. (2019). In Genetic […]
Pregnancy and Occupational Therapy
Pregnancy is truly one of life’s amazing times however, far too many women don’t get to enjoy this experience. Many women suffer from pain and dysfunction during and after pregnancy, yet much of the pain and dysfunction can be treatable. What happens in the Pre-natal Stages? Changes in posture occur during pregnancy and can commonly […]
Suffering from Headaches and Migraines? You’re not alone
Headaches are one of the most common public health concerns world wide. Its prevalence is high but the exact figures are hard to determine. According to Headache Australia, it is estimated that almost 5 million Australians suffer from migraines. The total economic cost of migraines alone in Australia is $35.7 Billion (Migraine in Australia Whitepaper, […]